// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
import { parse } from 'path';
import { lstatSync } from 'fs';
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
* Returns true if path leads to a file.
* Includes files without extensions.
* Touches the file system and needs error handling.
* @function isFile
* @param {string} _path - The path to be checked.
* @return {boolean} True if path is a file, false if it is a directory.
const isFile = _path => lstatSync(_path).isFile();
// re-write to distinguish error from folder
// } catch (err) {
// // lstatSync throws an error if path doesn't exist
// console.error('isFile(): path does not exist', err);
// // should prob not return false.. (indicates _path is a folder)
// throw Error(err);
// }
// };
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// do i need/even use this?
* Returns true if value exists and is a string.
* *
* @function isString
* @param {string} _path - The value to be checked.
* @return {boolean} True if string, false if not.
const isString = _path => typeof _path === 'string' || _path instanceof String;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
* Returns true if value exists and is a cased letter.
* Cleverly checks if both-cases of a char are different.
* From: https://stackoverflow.com/a/32567789
* @function isLetter
* @param {string} letter - The value to be checked.
* @return {boolean} True if a cased letter, false if not.
const isLetter = letter => letter.toLowerCase() != letter.toUpperCase();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
* Returns true if path root contains the operating system.
* Root may be represented as '/' or 'C:\'.
* @function inOS
* @param {string} _path - The path to be checked.
* @return {boolean} True if path is in OS, false if not.
const inOS = _path => {
const osRoot = '/';
const pathRoot = parse(_path).root;
try {
return pathRoot && pathRoot[0] === osRoot;
} catch (err) {
console.error('inOS error:', err);
// should prob not return false.. (indicates _path is not in OS)
return false;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
* Checks if path contains windows system directories.
* Assumes input to be a POSIX path on the operating system drive.
* @function isSystemPath
* @param {string} _path - The path to be checked.
* @return {boolean} Returns true for system paths, false if not.
* */
const isSystemPath = _path => {
// could shift this entire section to glob options...
// ...but then couldn't pass in cwd
// this function expects cleaned input from --path and process.cwd()
// would only be called if path is on C:\ drive
// requires inOS() = true and cleanSysRoot() and posixPath()
// console.log('isSystemPath _path:', _path);
// added trim() to catch oddities with whitespace
if (_path.trim() === '/') {
console.error('altering files from root level of system is forbidden');
return true;
// forbidden path segments
const forbiddenPaths = [
'/jim/Application Data',
'/jim/Local Settings'
for (const forbiddenPath of forbiddenPaths) {
if (_path.includes(forbiddenPath)) {
`altering files inside '${forbiddenPath}' system path is forbidden`
return true;
// forbidden root paths
const forbiddenRootPaths = [
'/Program Files',
'/Program Files (x86)',
'/Documents and Settings',
'/System Volume Information'
for (const forbiddenRootPath of forbiddenRootPaths) {
if (_path.startsWith(forbiddenRootPath)) {
`altering files inside '${forbiddenRootPath}' root system path is forbidden`
return true;
// is not a root system path
return false;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
* Returns true if path is safe to edit.
* If not in OS or if in OS but not in a system path
* Stops editing of windows operating system files.
* Allows editing across different letter drives.
* Wraps other functions from this module in conditional logic.
* @function isSafeWinPath
* @param {string} _path - The path to be checked.
* @return {boolean} True if path is safe, false if not.
* */
const isSafeWinPath = _path =>
!inOS(_path) || (inOS(_path) && !isSystemPath(_path));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
* Windows filesystem utility functions.
* @module Utils
* */
export { isFile, isString, isLetter, inOS, isSystemPath, isSafeWinPath };
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